Master List of all CodeCheck Triggers and Functions




This file contains an explanation of all CodeCheck command-line options, and

an alphabetized list of all CodeCheck variables and functions, with a very

brief definition. This document is valid for CodeCheck version 11.10b1.


Copyright (c) 1988-2005 by Abraxas Software, Inc. All rights reserved.



CodeCheck command-line options are not case-sensitive. The available options:


-B   Instruct CodeCheck that braces are on the same nesting level as material

     surrounded by the braces. If this option is not specified, then CodeCheck

     assumes that the braces are at the previous nesting level. This option

     only affects the predefined variable lin_nest_level.


-C   Suppress type checking.


-D   Define a macro. The name of the macro must follow immediately. Thus


        check -dDO_FOREVER=for(;;)


     has the same effect as starting the source file with


        #define DO_FOREVER for(;;)


     Macros defined on the command-line may not have arguments.


-E   Do NOT ignore tokens that are derived from macro expansion when perform-

     ing counts, e.g. of operators and operands. The default (-E not given)

     is for CodeCheck to ignore all macro-derived tokens when counting.


-F   Count tokens, lines, operators, or operands when reading header files.

     The default (-F not specified) is for CodeCheck not to count tokens,

     lines, operators, or operands when reading header files.


-G   Read each header file only once per module. CAUTION: Some header files

     may be intended to be read multiple times within a module!


-I   Specify a path to search when looking for header files. Use a separate

     -I for each path. The pathname must follow immediately, e.g.

        check  -Iusr/metaware/headers  src.c


-H   List lines from all header files in the listing file.


-J   Suppress all error messages generated by CodeCheck. This option does not

     affect warnings generated by CodeCheck rules.


-K   Identify the dialect of C to be assumed for the source files. A digit

     should follow immediately, corresponding to the dialect. The dialects of

     C that are currently supported include:


     0  =>  K&R (1978) C

     1  =>  ANSI standard C ( C89 )

     2  =>  K&R  C with common extensions

     3  =>  ANSI C with common extensions ( C99 )

     4  =>  Standard C++ (as defined in Stroustrup, 1997)

     5  =>  Symantec C++

     6  =>  Borland C++

     7  =>  Microsoft C++

     8  =>  GNU-GCC C/C++ and/or IBM-VACPP

     9  =>  VAX or HP/Apollo C

    10  =>  Metaware High C

    11  =>  Stratus C


     ***** THE DEFAULT IS K3 (ANSI C with common extensions) *****


     If this option is not specified, then CodeCheck will assume that the

     source code is ANSI C with extensions (-K3). If option -K is specified

     with no digit following, then CodeCheck will assume that the user meant

     -K0, i.e. strict K&R (1978) C with no extensions.


-L   Make a listing file for the source file or project, with CodeCheck

     messages interspersed at appropriate points in the listing. The name

     of the listing file should be given immediately after the -L:

        check  -Lmodule.lst  module.c

     If no name is specified, CodeCheck will use the name "check.lst".

     The listing file will be created in the current directory, unless a

     target directory is specified with the -Q option.


-M   List all macro expansions in the listing file. Each line containing a

     macro is first listed as it is found in the source file, and then listed

     a second time with all macros expanded. The -L option is redundant if -M

     is specified. If -L is found without -M, then the listing file created

     by Code Check will not exhibit macro expansions.


-N   Allow nested /* comments */.


-NEST  Allow C++ nested classes. When this option is in effect every union,

     struct, or class definition constitutes a true scope that can contain

     nested tag definitions. Options -K5, -K6 and -K7 imply -NEST, but -K4

     does not. Use -K4 and -NEST if your C++ compiler is based on AT&T C++

     version 3.0. DO *NOT* use -NEST if your C++ compiler is based on any

     version of C++ earlier than AT&T 3.0.


-O   Append all CodeCheck stderr output to the file stderr.out. This is

     useful for those operating systems (e.g. MS-DOS) that do not permit

     any redirection or piping of stderr output.


-P   Show progress of code checking. When this option is given, CodeCheck will

     identify each file in the project as it is opened.


-Q   Specify an output directory. The pathname for the directory must follow

     immediately, e.g.

        check -Qusr/myoutput

     When this option is specified, CodeCheck will create all of its output

     files in the given directory. These output files include the prototype,

     listing, and rule object files.


-R   Specify a rule file. The name of the rule file must follow immediately,

     e.g. check -Rmyrules mysource.c   The extension ".cc" on the rule file

     should be omitted. CodeCheck will look for an up-to-date object file

     of the given name and extension ".cco". If this is not found, then

     CodeCheck will recompile and use the rule file of the given name.


-S0  Read but do not apply rules to any header files.     *** DEFAULT ***

-S1  Apply rules to header files given in double quotes.

-S2  Apply rules to header files given in angle brackets.

-S3  Apply rules to ALL header files.


-SQL Enable embedded SQL statements.


-T   Create a file of prototypes for all functions defined in a project. The

     name of the prototype file should be given immediately after the -T:

        check -Tprotos.h source.c

     If no name is specified, CodeCheck will use the name "myprotos.h".

     The prototype file will be created in the current directory, unless a

     target directory is specified with the -Q option.


-U   Undefine a macro constant. The name of the macro must follow immediately.

     Thus  check -UMSDOS src.c  has the effect of treating src.c as though it

     contained the preprocessor directive #undef MSDOS.


-V   Available for users. May be followed by an integer or a name.


-W   Available for users. May be followed by an integer or a name.


-X   Available for users. May be followed by an integer or a name.


-Y   Available for users. May be followed by an integer or a name.


-Z   Suppress cross-module checking. Macro definitions and variable and

     function declarations will not be checked for consistency across the

     modules of a project.


Every letter used as an option is remembered by CodeCheck and passed to the

rule interpreter. CodeCheck rules can refer to and modify these options via

the functions option() and set_option() for integer values, and str_option()

and set_str_option() for string values.




An alphabetized master list of all CodeCheck variables and functions follows.

See the glossary below for definitions of terms used, or see the manual for

detailed descriptions.


abs()           ANSI-C standard absolute value fuction


advise()            Enable/Disable CodeCheck Internal Warning Messages from Output.

atoi()                ANSI-C ascii base-ten string to integer function.


class_name()        Name of current C++ class or struct.

cnv_any_to_bitfield 1 if anything is implicitly converted to a bitfield.

cnv_any_to_ptr      1 if a non-pointer is implicitly converted to a pointer.

cnv_bitfield_to_any 1 if a bitfield is implicitly converted to anything.

cnv_const_to_ptr    1 if a const type is implicitly converted to a non-const.

cnv_float_to_int    1 if a float is implicitly converted to an integer.

cnv_int_tofloat     1 if an integer is implicitly converted to a float.

cnv_ptr_to_ptr      1 if a pointer is implicitly converted to a pointer.

cnv_signed_to_any   1 if a signed integer is implicitly converted to unsigned.

cnv_truncate        1 if an integer or float is implicitly truncated.

conflict_file()     File in which conflicting definition occured. Valid ONLY

                    when dcl_conflict or pp_macro_conflict is triggered.

conflict_line       Line on which conflicting definition occured. Valid ONLY

                    when dcl_conflict or pp_macro_conflict is triggered.

corr(x,y)           Float correlation between statistics x and y.

dcl_3dots           1 when an ellipsis (...) is found in a declaration.

dcl_abstract        1 when an abstract declarator is encountered.

dcl_access          0 when a C++ member has public access,

                    1 when a C++ member has protected access,

                    2 when a C++ member has private access.

dcl_aggr            1 when an aggregate type is declared.

dcl_all_upper       1 when a declarator name is all uppercase.

dcl_ambig           If this declarator name matches another declarator on the

                    first N characters, and N>5, then dcl_ambig is N.

dcl_any_upper       1 when a declarator name has any uppercase letters.

dcl_array_dim(k)    If level k of the type of this declarator is an array,

                    then this function returns the array dimension, or -1 if

                    no size was declared.

dcl_array_size      Total size of a declared array, -1 if no size is given,

                    product of dimensions if the array is multidimensional.

dcl_auto_init       1 when an auto variable is initialized.

dcl_base            Base type of the declaration. For values see check.cch.

dcl_base_name()     The base type of the current declarator, as a string.

dcl_bitfield        1 when a bitfield is declared.

dcl_bitfield_anon   1 when a bitfield has no name.

dcl_bitfield_arith  1 when a bitfield width requires arithmetic calculation.

dcl_bitfield_size   Size in bits of the specified bitfield.

dcl_conflict        1 when an identifier was declared differently elsewhere.

                    Use conflict_file() and conflict_line for location.

dcl_count           Index of declarator within the current declaration list.

dcl_cv_modifier     1 when const or volatile is used as a non_ANSI modifier.

dcl_definition      1 when a declaration is a definition, not a reference.

dcl_empty           1 when an empty declaration is found (no declarator).

dcl_enum            1 when an enumerated constant is found.

dcl_enum_hidden     1 when a declarator name hides an enumerated constant.

dcl_exception       1 when a C++ exception declaration complete.

dcl_extern          1 when "extern" is explicitly specified.

dcl_extern_ambig    If this extern declarator name matches another extern

                    declarator on the first N characters (regardless of case),

                    and N>5, then dcl_extern_ambig is N.

dcl_first_upper     Number of initial uppercase letters in declarator name.

dcl_friend          1 when a C++ friend is declared.

dcl_from_macro      1 when declarator name is derived from a macro expansion.

dcl_function        1 when a function or function typedef name is declared.

dcl_function_flags  Inclusive OR of the following conditions:

                      1 when this function is inline,        (C++)

                      2 when this function is virtual,       (C++)

                      4 when this function is pure,          (C++)

                      8 when this function is pascal,        (DOS, OS/2, Mac)

                     16 when this function is cdecl,         (DOS & OS/2)

                     32 when this function is interrupt,     (DOS & OS/2)

                     64 when this function is loadds,        (DOS & OS/2)

                    128 when this function is saveregs,      (DOS & OS/2)

                    256 when this function is fastcall.      (DOS & OS/2)

dcl_function_ptr    1 when a pointer to a function is declared.

dcl_global          1 when a variable or function has file scope.

dcl_hidden          1 when a local identifier hides another identifier.

dcl_Hungarian       1 when a declarator name uses the Hungarian convention.

dcl_ident_length    Number of characters in declared identifier name.

dcl_init_arith      1 when an initializer uses arithmetic.

dcl_initializer     1 when an initializer is found.

dcl_inline          1 when a C++ function is inline.

dcl_label_overload  1 when a declarator name matches a label name.

dcl_level(k)        0 if level k of the type of this declarator is SIMPLE,

                    1 if level k of the type of this declarator is FUNCTION,

                    2 if level k of the type of this declarator is REFERENCE,

                    3 if level k of the type of this declarator is POINTER,

                    4 if level k of the type of this declarator is ARRAY.

dcl_level_flags(k)  Type qualifier flags for level k of the type of this

                    declarator. Inclusive OR of the following qualifiers:

                    1   for the constant flag

                    2   for the volatile flag

                    4   for the near flag     (DOS only)

                    8   for the far flag      (DOS only)

                    16  for the huge flag     (DOS only)

                    32  for the export flag   (Windows only)

                    64  for the based flag    (Microsoft C/C++ only)

                    128 for the segment flag  (Microsoft C/C++ only)

dcl_levels          Number of levels in the type of this declarator.

dcl_local           1 when a local identifier is declared.

dcl_local_dup       line-number of a symbol that is used more than once at current local scope.                       The Gnu-Compiler allows this declaration, but warns "shadowed variable”.

dcl_long_float      1 when a variable is declared "long float".

dcl_member          1 when a union member identifier is declared,

                    2 when a struct member identifier is declared,

                    3 when a class member identifier is declared;

                      (C++ members may be: vars, fcns, typedef names).

dcl_name()          Current declarator name.

dcl_need_3dots      1 when a parameter list concludes with a comma.

dcl_no_prototype    1 when a function definition has no prototype in scope.

dcl_no_specifier    1 when a declaration has no type specifiers at all.

dcl_not_declared    1 when an old-style function parameter is not declared.

dcl_oldstyle        1 when an old-style (unprototyped) function is declared.

dcl_parameter       Index of function parameter (1 for first, etc.).

dcl_parm_count      Number of formal parameters in a function definition.

dcl_parm_hidden     1 if a function parameter is hidden by a local variable.

dcl_pure            1 when a C++ pure member function is declared.

dcl_simple          1 when simple variable (not pointer or array) is declared.

dcl_signed          1 when the "signed" type specifier is explicitly used.

dcl_static          1 when a declarator is static.

dcl_storage_first   1 when a storage class specifier is preceded by a type

                      specifier in a declaration (e.g. short typedef xyz).

dcl_storage_flags   Set to an integer which identifies the storage class.

                    For values of the flags, see check.cch.

dcl_tag_def         1 when a tag is defined as part of a type specifier.

dcl_template        Number of C++ function template parameters.

dcl_throw_parameter A C++ throw argument. Created to support java-style exception checking.

dcl_type_before     1 when the return type of a function definition is on

                      the line BEFORE the line with the function name.

dcl_typedef         1 when a typedef name is declared.

dcl_typedef_dup     1 when a duplicate typedef name is declared.

dcl_underscore      Number of leading underscores in declarator name.

dcl_union_bits      1 when a bitfield is declared as a member of a union.

dcl_union_init      1 when a union has an initializer.

dcl_unsigned        1 when a declarator is unsigned.

dcl_variable        1 when a variable (not a function) is declared.

dcl_virtual         1 when a member function is declared virtual.

dcl_zero_array      1 when an array has zero length.

define(name,body)   Define a macro with given name and body. Both the name and

                    body must be strings. The macro may not have arguments.

exit(n)             Quit CodeCheck with return value n.

exp_base_name()     Return base-name of current expression. Useful for obtaining resultant                            indirect class base-nameof an overloaded function.

exp_empty_initializer  1 when an empty initializer, e.g. {}, is found.

exp_not_ansi        1 when a non-ANSI expression is found.

exp_operands        Number of operands in the current expression.

exp_operators       Number of operators in the current expression.

exp_tokens          Number of tokens in the current expression.

fatal(n,str)        Issue fatal error #n with message str.     

fcn_aggr          * Number of local aggregate variables declared in function.

fcn_array         * Total number of local array elements declared in function.

fcn_begin           1 when a function definition begins (open brace).

fcn_com_lines     * Number of pure comment lines within a function.

fcn_decisions     * Number of binary decision points in a function.

fcn_end             1 at the end of function definition (close brace).

fcn_exec_lines    * Number of lines in function with executable code.

fcn_H_operands    * Number of Halstead operands in a function.

fcn_H_operators   * Number of Halstead operators in function.

fcn_high          * Number of high-level statements in a function.

fcn_locals        * Number of local variables declared in a function.

fcn_low           * Number of low-level statements in a function.

fcn_members       * Number of local union, struct & class members in function.

fcn_no_header       1 when a function definition has no comment block.

fcn_name()          Name of current function.

fcn_nonexec       * Number of non-executable statements in a function.

fcn_operands      * Number of operands in a function.

fcn_operators     * Number of operators in a function.

fcn_register        Number of register variables declared in a function.

fcn_simple        * Number of local simple variables declared in a function.

fcn_tokens        * Number of tokens found in a function.

fcn_total_lines   * Number of lines in the function definition.

fcn_u_operands    * Number of unique operands in a function.

fcn_u_operators   * Number of unique operators in a function.

fcn_uH_operands   * Number of unique Halstead operands in a function.

fcn_uH_operators  * Number of unique Halstead operators in a function.

fcn_unused        * Number of unused variables in a function.

fcn_white_lines   * Number of lines of whitespace in a function.

file_name()         Name of the current source or header file.

find_root()       Find root base type of named local-scope symbol. Useful for advanced symbol                       table lookup algorithms.

find_scoped_root() Find root of symbol using an explicit scope name.

fclose()            Close a file, identical to ANSI standard fclose function.

fopen()             Open a file, identival to ANSI fopen function.

fprintf()           Output to a file, identical to ANSI fprintf function.

fscanf()            Input from a file, identical to ANSI fscanf function.

header_name()       Name of the header that is about to be #included.

header_path()       Path to the header that is about to be #included.

histogram(x,a,b,n)  Prints a histogram of statistic x on stdout, using n bins

                    between a (minimum value) and b (maximum value).

idn_array_dim(k)    If level k of the type of this identifier is an array,

                    then this function returns the array dimension, or -1 if

                    no size was declared.

idn_base            Set to the base type of the identifier. For values see


idn_base_name()     The base type of the identifier, as a string.

idn_bitfield        1 if the identifier is a bitfield.

idn_constant        1 if this identifier is an enum constant.

idn_exception       Actual usage of C++ exception in code.

idn_exception_base  C++ exception base type at trigger point idn_exception.

idn_exception_name() Name of exception currently being used at trigger point idn_exception.


idn_fileline()        The line number of the 'found' identifier [ conflict analysis ]

idn_filename()      The file in which the identifier was declared.

idn_filepath()        The file path string of the 'found' identifier.


idn_function        1 if this identifier is a function name.

idn_global          1 if this identifier has file scope and external linkage.

idn_level(k)        0 if level k of the type of this identifier is SIMPLE,

                    1 if level k of the type of this identifier is FUNCTION,

                    2 if level k of the type of this identifier is REFERENCE,

                    3 if level k of the type of this identifier is POINTER,

                    4 if level k of the type of this identifier is ARRAY.

idn_level_flags(k)  Type qualifier flags for level k of the type of this

                    identifier. Flag bit constants are:

                    1   for the constant flag

                    2   for the volatile flag

                    4   for the near flag     (DOS only)

                    8   for the far flag      (DOS only)

                    16  for the huge flag     (DOS only)

                    32  for the export flag   (Windows only)

                    64  for the based flag    (Microsoft C/C++ only)

                    128 for the segment flag  (Microsoft C/C++ only)

idn_levels          Number of levels in the type of this identifier.

idn_line            Set to the line number within the file in which this

                    identifier was declared.

idn_local           1 if this identifier has local scope.

idn_member          1 if this identifier has class scope.

idn_name()          The name of the identifier, as a string.

idn_no_prototype    1 if this is a function call with no prototype.

idn_not_declared    1 if this is a function call with no declaration.

idn_parameter       1 if this identifier is a function parameter.

idn_storage_flags   Set to an integer which identifies the storage class of

                    the identifier. For values of the flags, see check.cch.

idn_variable        1 if this identifier is a variable.

identifier(name)    Triggers whenever the named identifier is used.

ignore(name)        Instructs CodeCheck to ignore the named token.

included(filename)  1 if the argument header file has been included.

isalpha(int)        1 if the argument is an alphabetic character (a-z or A-Z).

isdigit(int)        1 if the argument is a decimal digit character (0-9).

islower(int)        1 if the argument is a lowercase alphabetic character.

isupper(int)        1 if the argument is an uppercase alphabetic character.

keyword(name)       Triggers whenever the named keyword is used.

lex_ansi_escape     Set to 'a', 'v', or '?', respectively, when \a, \v, or \?

                    is found within a string or character literal.

lex_assembler       1 when assembler code is detected.

lex_backslash       1 when a line is continued with a backslash character.

lex_bad_call        Difference between number of actual arguments and number

                      of formal arguments when a macro function is expanded.

lex_big_octal       8 when the digit 8 is found in an octal constant,

                    9 when the digit 8 is found in an octal constant.

lex_c_comment       1 when the comment is wrapped by /**/

lex_cpp_comment     1 when the comment begins with //

lex_char_empty      1 when the empty character constant is found ('').

lex_char_long       1 when a character constant is longer than one character.


lex_constant        1 when a bool constant is found

                2 when an enumerated constant is found,

                    3 when a character constant is found,

                    4 when an integer constant is found,

                    5 when a float constant is found,

                    6 when a string constant is found.


lex_enum_comma      1 when a list of enumerated constants ends with a comma.

lex_float           1 when a numeric constant has the suffix f or F.

lex_hex_escape      Set to the number of hex digits read when a hexadecimal

                    escape sequence (e.g. '\x1A') is found.

lex_initializer     1 when an initializer is the integer zero,

                    2 when an initializer is a nonzero integer,

                    3 when an initializer is a character literal,

                    4 when an initializer is a float or double constant,

                    5 when an initializer is a string, and

                    6 when an initializer is anything else.


lex_intrinsic       1 when an intrinsic (built-in) function is called.

lex_invisible       1 when a C++ nested tag name is used without a scope.

lex_key_no_space    1 when certain keywords are not followed by whitespace.

lex_keyword         1 when the current token is a reserved keyword.

lex_lc_long         1 when a numeric constant has suffix lowercase el

lex_long_float      1 when a float constant has suffix L or l.

lex_long_long       Signal "long long" 64 bit type.

lex_macro_body        1 when a macro expansion is resolved

lex_macro_token     1 when a token originates from a macro expansion.

lex_metaware        1 when any Metaware lexical extension is found.

lex_nested_comment  1 when a /*..*/ comment is found nested within another.

lex_nl_eof          1 when a nonempty source file does not end with a newline.

lex_nonstandard     1 when a character not in the standard C set is found.

lex_not_KR_escape   1 when an escape character is not in the K&R (1978) set.

lex_not_manifest    1 when a number other than 0 or 1 is not a macro.

lex_null_arg        1 when an argument is omitted from a macro function call.

lex_num_escape      Set to the numeric value when an escape sequence is found.

lex_punct_after     1 when a comma or semicolon is not followed by whitespace.

lex_punct_before    1 when a comma or semicolon is preceded by whitespace.

lex_radix           Radix of an integer constant (2, 8, 10, or 16).

lex_str_concat      1 when two strings are separated only by whitespace.

lex_str_length      Length of a string literal (not counting terminal zero).

lex_str_macro       1 when a macro name is found within a string literal.

lex_str_trigraph    1 when a trigraph is found within a string literal.

lex_suffix          1 when a numeric constant has a letter suffix.

lex_token           Index of the token in the current line (1 = first token).

lex_trigraph        1 when an ANSI trigraph is found.

lex_uc_long         Signal 'L' long type constant.

lex_unsigned        1 when a numeric constant has the U or u suffix.

lex_wide            1 when a string or character constant has the L prefix.

lex_zero_escape     1 when an escape sequence in a character literal is zero,

                    2 when the escape sequence is in a string literal.

lin_continuation    1 when an expression is continued from the previous line.

lin_continues       1 when an expression is continued on the next line.

lin_dcl_count       Number of declarator names on the current line.

lin_depth           Depth of #include file nesting for the current line.

lin_end             1 when the end of a line is found.

lin_has_code        1 when a line contains code of any sort.

lin_has_comment     1 when a line contains a nonempty comment material.

lin_has_label       1 when a line contains a label.

lin_header          1 if the line comes from a project header,

                    2 if it comes from a system header.

lin_indent_space    Number of spaces before the first nonwhite character.

lin_indent_tab      Number of tabs before the first nonwhite character.

lin_is_comment      1 when a line contains only comment material.

lin_is_exec         1 when a line contains executable code.

lin_is_white        1 when a line is only whitespace or empty comment.

lin_length          Length of the line in characters, not counting newline.

lin_nest_level      The statement nesting (indentation) level. See option -B.

lin_nested_comment  1 when a /*..*/ comment is found nested within another.

                    now obsolete, and replaced by lex_nested_comment.

lin_new_comment     1 when a // comment is found. Obsolete now, replaced with


lin_number          Index of the current line within the current file.

lin_operands        Number of operands found on the current line.

lin_operators       Number of operators found on the current line.

lin_preprocessor    1 if the current line begins with #.

lin_source          1 if it is not from a header file.

lin_suppressed      1 if it is suppressed by the preprocessor.

lin_tokens          Number of tokens on the current line.

lin_within_class    1 when the current line is within a class definition,

                    2 when it is in a member function but outside the class.

lin_within_function 1 if the current line is within a function definition.

lin_with_namespace  1 if the current line is within a namespace defintion

lin_within_tag      1 if the current line is within an enumeration,

                    2 if it is within a union definition,

                    3 if it is within a struct definition,

                    4 if it is within a class definition.

line()              The current source code line, as a string.

log2(x)             The logarithm base 2 of x.

macro(name)         Triggers when macro <name> is about to be expanded.

maximum(x)          The maximum value of statistical variable x.

mean(x)             The mean of statistical variable x.

median(x)           The median of statistical variable x.

minimum(x)          The minimum value of statistical variable x.

mod_aggr          * Number of global array, union, struct, or class variables.

mod_array         * Number of global array elements declared in a module.

mod_begin           Triggers at the beginning of a module.

mod_class_lines(k)  Total number of lines in C++ class k, including member

                    function lines. Use 0 <= k < mod_classes.

mod_class_name(k)   Name of C++ class k. Use 0 <= k < mod_classes.

mod_class_tokens(k) Number of tokens in C++ class k, including member function

                    lines. Use 0 <= k < mod_classes.

mod_classes         Number of named classes, structs, & unions defined in a

                    module (includes template classes).

mod_com_lines     * Number of nonempty comment lines in a module.

mod_decisions     * Number of binary decision points in a module.

mod_end             Triggers at the end of a module.

mod_exec_lines    * Number of lines in module with executable code.

mod_extern        * Number of global variables declared with extern keyword.

mod_functions     * Number of functions defined in a module.

mod_globals       * Number of global variables declared in a module.

mod_H_operands    * Number of Halstead operands in a module.

mod_H_operators   * Number of Halstead operators in a module.

mod_high          * Number of high-level statements found in a module.

mod_low           * Number of low-level statements found in a module.

mod_macros          Number of macros defined in a module.

mod_members       * Number of union, struct, or class members declared.

mod_name()          Name of the current module.

mod_nonexec       * Number of non-executable statements in a module.

mod_operands      * Total number of operands used in a module.

mod_operators     * Total number of operators used in a module.

mod_simple        * Number of local simple variables defined in a module.

mod_static        * Number of static global variables defined in a module.

mod_tokens        * Number of tokens found in a module.

mod_total_lines   * Total number of lines in a module.

mod_u_operands    * Number of unique operands used in a module.

mod_u_operators   * Number of unique operators used in a module.

mod_uH_operands   * Number of unique Halstead operands in a module.

mod_uH_operators  * Number of unique Halstead operators in a module.

mod_unused        * Number of static global variables declared but not used.

mod_unused_static * Fires when a unused static is found at end of module.

mod_warnings        Number of warnings issued by CodeCheck for a module.

mod_white_lines   * Number of white and empty comment lines in a module.

mode(x)             The mode (most common value) of a statistical variable.

namespace_name()    Returns name of current namespace.

ncases(x)           The number of cases recorded in a statistical variable.

next_char()         The lookahead character at the currently parsed position.

next_token()        Next token in source stream from current position.

new_type(name,k)    Use this function ONLY to declare an INTRINSIC type that

                    your compiler recognizes without a type declaration.

no_undef(name)      1 if the argument has not been previously #undefined.

op_add              +   the binary addition operator (NOT the unary plus).

op_add_assign       +=  the add-assign operator.

op_address          &   the address-of operator.

op_and_assign       &=  the bitwise-and-assign operator.

op_array_dim(j,k)   If level k of the type of operand j is an array, then

                    this function returns the array dimension, or -1 if no

                    size was declared.

op_arrow            ->  the indirect member selector operator.

op_assign           =   the assignment operator.

op_assoc            =>  the Metaware association-operator.

op_base(j)          Base type of operand j. For return values see check.cch.

op_base_name(j)     The base type of operand j as a string.

op_based            :>  the Microsoft based operator.

op_bitfield(j)      1 if operand j is a bitfield.

op_bit_and          &   the bitwise-and operator.

op_bit_not          ~   the bitwise-complement operator.

op_bit_or           |   the bitwise-inclusive-or operator.

op_bit_xor          ^   the bitwise-exclusive-or operator.

op_bitwise              Any bitwise operator is used.

op_break                The "break" keyword.

op_call                 The function-call operator.

op_call_overload    This C++ method call is overloaded. Function return type is context

                    dependent. Function exp_base_name() may be used to determine actual

                    return class base-Name.

op_cast                 Any cast operator (including C++ function-like casts).

op_cast_to_ptr          A cast-to-pointer in the form (Type *).

op_close_angle      >   the right angle bracket, used as a C++ template


op_close_brace      }   the right curly brace.

op_close_bracket    ]   the right square bracket.

op_close_funargs    )   the end-argument-list parenthesis.

op_close_paren      )   the right parenthesis.

op_close_subscript  ]   the end-of-subscript operator.

op_colon_1          :   the unary colon (e.g. after a label).

op_colon_2          :   the binary colon (e.g. in a conditional expression).

op_comma            ,   the comma operator (NOT the comma separator).

op_cond             ?:  the conditional operator.

op_continue             The "continue" keyword.

op_declarator           Any operator found within a declaration.

op_delete               The C++ delete operator.

op_destroy          ~   the C++ destructor symbol.

op_div              /   the division operator.

op_div_assign       /=  the divide-assign operator.

op_do                   The "do" keyword.

op_else                 The "else" keyword

op_equal            ==  the equality-test operator.

op_executable           Any operator found within executable code.

op_for                  The "for" keyword.

op_function()           The name of a function called or declared.

op_goto                 The "goto" keyword.

op_high                 Any high-precedence operator.

op_if                   The "if" keyword.

op_indirect         *   the indirection operator (NOT the declarator symbol).

op_infix                Any infix operator.

op_init             =   the initialization operator.

op_iterator         ->  the Metaware iterator-definition operator.

op_iterator_call    <-  the Metaware iterator-call operator.

op_keyword              Any executable keyword.

op_left_assign      <<= the shift-left-assign operator.

op_left_shift       <<  the shift-left operator.

op_less             <   the less-than operator.

op_less_eq          <=  the less-than-or-equal-to operator.

op_level(j,k)       0 if level k of the type of operand j is SIMPLE,

                    1 if level k of the type of operand j is FUNCTION,

                    2 if level k of the type of operand j is REFERENCE,

                    3 if level k of the type of operand j is POINTER,

                    4 if level k of the type of operand j is ARRAY.

op_level_flags(j,k) Type qualifier flags for level k of the type of operand j.

                    Flag bit constants are:

                    1   for the constant flag

                    2   for the volatile flag

                    4   for the near flag     (DOS only)

                    8   for the far flag      (DOS only)

                    16  for the huge flag     (DOS only)

                    32  for the export flag   (Windows only)

                    64  for the based flag    (Microsoft C/C++ only)

                    128 for the segment flag  (Microsoft C/C++ only)

op_levels(k)        Number of levels in the type of operand k of the operator.

op_log_and          &&  the logical-and operator.

op_log_not          !   the logical-negation operator.

op_log_or           ||  the logical-or operator.

op_low                  Any low-precedence operator.

op_macro()              The name of the macro function about to be expanded.

op_macro_arg        A macro function call argument.

op_macro_begin      The begin point of a macro function call. End point is signaled by


op_macro_call       (   the macro-function-expand operator.

op_medium               Any operator that is neither low- nor high-precedence.

op_member           .   the member-of operator.

op_memptr           ->* the C++ member-pointer operator.

op_memsel           .*  the C++ member-selector operator.

op_more             >   the greater-than operator.

op_more_eq          >=  the greater-than-or-equal-to operator.

op_mul              *   the multiplication operator.

op_mul_assign       *=  the multiply-assign operator.

op_negate           -   the unary negation operator (NOT subtraction).

op_new                  The C++ new operator.

op_not_eq           !=  the not-equal-to operator.

op_open_angle       <   the left angle bracket, used as a C++ template delimiter.

op_open_brace       {   the left curly brace.

op_open_bracket     [   the left square bracket.

op_open_funargs     (   the function-argument-list parenthesis. Use

                        op_declarator to determine whether the context is a

                        function declaration or a function call.

op_open_paren       (   the left parenthesis.

op_operands             The number of operands used by an executable operator.

op_or_assign        |=  the bitwise-or-assign operator.

op_plus             +   the unary plus operator (NOT addition).

op_pointer          *   the pointer-to declaration operator (NOT indirection).

op_post_decr        --  the post-decrement operator.

op_post_incr        ++  the post-increment operator.

op_postfix              Any postfix operaotr.

op_pre_decr         --  the pre-decrement operator.

op_pre_incr         ++  the pre-increment operator.

op_prefix               Any prefix operator.

op_punct                Any punctuation operator.

op_reference        &   the C++ reference-to declaration operator.

op_rem              %   the remainder operator.

op_rem_assign       %=  the remainder-assign operator.

op_return               The "return" keyword.

op_right_assign     >>= the right-shift-assign operator.

op_right_shift      >>  the right-shift operator.

op_scope            ::  the C++ scope operator.

op_semicolon        ;   the semicolon.

op_separator        ,   the comma separator (NOT the comma operator).

op_sizeof               The sizeof operator.

op_space_after          An operator is followed by a space character.

op_space_before         An operator is preceded by a space character.

op_sub_assign       -=  the subtract-assign operator.

op_subscript            the subscript operator.

op_subt             -   the binary subtraction operator (NOT unary negation).

op_switch               The "switch" keyword.

op_while_1              The "while" keyword (unless part of do-while).

op_while_2              The "while" keyword when used with "do".

op_white_after          An operator is followed by whitespace.

op_white_before         An operator is preceded by whitespace.

op_xor_assign       ^=  the exclusive-or-assign operator.

option( char c )    1 if the command-line option -c is in effect

pow(x,y)            Standard ANSI C pow function.

pp_ansi             1 whenever a new ANSI preprocessor feature is encountered.

pp_arg_count        Number of formal parameters in a macro definition.

pp_arg_multiple     1 if a formal parameter is used more than once.

pp_arg_paren        1 if a formal parameter is not enclosed in parentheses.

pp_arg_string       1 if a formal parameter is found within a string.

pp_arith            1 if a conditional requires an arithmetic calculation.

pp_assign           1 if a macro definition is a simple assignment.

pp_bad_white        1 if a whitespace character is neither a space nor a tab.

pp_benign           1 if a macro is redefined equivalently.

pp_comment          1 if two tokens in a macro are separated by a comment.

pp_const            1 if a macro is a manifest constant.

pp_defined          1 if the "defined" preprocessor function is found.

pp_depend           1 if #undef is used on a macro required by another macro.

pp_elif             1 if the #elif directive is found.


pp_else               1 If a #else is seen.


pp_empty_arglist    1 if a macro function definition has no parameters.

pp_empty_body       1 if the definition of a macro has no body.

pp_endif            1 if the #endif directive is found.

pp_error            1 if the #error directive is found.

pp_if_depth         Depth whenever a conditional (e.g. #if) is activated.

pp_if_search()      Enable GNU-GCC #if (typedef-name) pre-processor control method.

pp_include          1 if #include pathname is in "", from a macro expansion,

                    2 if #include pathname is in "", not from a macro,

                    3 if #include pathname is in <>, from a macro expansion,

                    4 if #include pathname is in <>, not from a macro,

                    5 if #include pathname is not enclosed (Metaware only).

                    6 if #include filename is not enclosed (Vax VMS only).

pp_include_depth    Depth of inclusion when an #include is performed.

pp_include_white    1 if pathname in an #include has leading whitespace.

pp_keyword          1 if a macro name is a reserved ANSI or C++ keyword.

pp_length           Length in characters of macro body (excluding whitespace).

pp_lowercase        1 if a macro name has any lowercase letters.

pp_macro            Length in characters of a macro name.

pp_macro_conflict   1 when a macro was defined differently elsewhere. Use

                    conflict_file() and conflict_line for location.

pp_macro_dup        1 if a macro is defined in more than one file.

pp_name()           Name of the macro currently being defined.

pp_not_ansi         1 if any non-ANSI preprocessor usage is found.

pp_not_defined      1 if a conditional uses an undefined identifier.

pp_not_found        1 if an #include file could not be found.

pp_overload         1 if a declared identifier matches a macro function name.

pp_paste            1 if the ANSI paste operator (##) is found.

pp_paste_failed     1 if a the operands for ## could not be pasted together.

pp_pragma           1 if a #pragma directive is found.

pp_recursive        1 if a recursive macro definition is found.

pp_relative         1 if an #include in a header file uses a relative pathname.

pp_semicolon        1 if a macro definition ends with a semicolon.

pp_sizeof           1 if a directive requires evaluating a "sizeof".

pp_stack            1 if a macro is redefined within a module (except benign).

pp_stringize        1 if the ANSI stringize operator (#) is found.

pp_sub_keyword      1 if a directive name is itself a macro name.

pp_trailer          1 if a directive line ends with any nonwhite characters.

pp_undef            1 if an #undef directive is found.

pp_unknown          1 if a directive unknown to CodeCheck is found.

pp_unstack          1 if an #undef is used to unstack multiply-defined macros.

pp_white_after      Length of whitespace that precedes the # character.

pp_white_before     Length of whitespace that follows the # character.

pragma()            Triggers when the specified pragma is encountered.

prefix()            See documentation.

prev_token()        The previous lexical token (as a string).

printf()            The standard ANSI printf function.

prj_aggr            Number of external array, union, struct, class variables.

prj_array           Number of external array elements in a project.

prj_begin           Triggers at the beginning of a project.

prj_com_lines       Number of nonempty comment lines in a project.

prj_conflicts       Number of conflicting macro definitions in a project.

prj_decisions       Number of binary decision points in a project.

prj_end             Triggers at the end of a project.

prj_exec_lines      Number of line in project with executable code.

prj_functions       Number of functions defined in a project.

prj_globals         Number of external variables defined in a project.

prj_H_operands      Number of Halstead operands in a project.

prj_H_operators     Number of Halstead operators in a project.

prj_headers         Number of distinct header files read in a project.

prj_high            Number of high-level statements found in a project.

prj_low             Number of low-level statements found in a project.

prj_macros          Number of distinct macros defined in a project.

prj_members         Number of external union, struct, or class members.

prj_modules         Number of source modules in a project.

prj_name()          Name of the current project file (.ccp extension).

prj_nonexec         Number of non-executable statements in a project.

prj_operands        Number of operands found in a project.

prj_operators       Number of operators found in a project.

prj_simple          Number of external global variables defined in a project.

prj_tokens          Number of lexical tokens found in a project.

prj_total_lines     Number of lines in a project.

prj_u_operands      Number of unique operands in a project.

prj_u_operators     Number of unique operators in a project.

prj_uH_operands     Number of unique Halstead operands in a project.

prj_uH_operators    Number of unique Halstead operators in a project.

prj_unused          Number of unused external variables in a project.

prj_warnings        Number of CodeCheck warnings issued for a project.

prj_white_lines     Number of white and empty comment lines in a project.

quantile()          Returns the specified quantile of a statistical variable.

reset()             Deletes all cases recorded in a statistical variable.

remove_path()       Remove a include path which is set by ealiest function

                      call set_str_option('I',...), if there is no include

                      path left, call to this function has no effect.

root()              Current declarator name after prefixes have been removed.

scanf()             Standard ANSI C scanf function.

set_option()        Sets the specified command-line integer option.

set_str_option()    Sets the specified command-line string option.

sqrt()              Standard ANSI C square-root function.

stdev()             Standard deviation of a statistical variable.

stm_aggr            Number of array, union, struct, class variables declared.

stm_array           Number of local array elements declared.

stm_bad_label       1 if a label is not attached to any statement.

stm_cases           Number of case or default labels on this statement.

stm_container       Set to a value which indicates the kind of high-level

                      statement that contains the current statement. See

                      stm_kind (below) for the possible values.

stm_cp_assign       Number of compound assignment operators.

stm_cp_begin        At the open curly brace of a compound statement, this

                      variable is set to a value that indicates the kind of

                      statement that contains the compound statement. See

                      stm_kind (below) for the possible values.

stm_depth           Nesting depth of a statement within other statements.

stm_end             Triggers at the end of any statement.

stm_goto            1 if a goto enters a block with auto initializers.

stm_is_comp         Set to the same value as stm_cp_begin, at the END of

                      a compound statement (the close curly brace).

stm_is_expr         1 if a statement is an expression.

stm_is_high         1 if a statement is compound, selection, or iteration.

stm_is_iter         1 if a statement is a for, while, or do-while.

stm_is_jump         1 if a statement is a goto, continue, break, or return.

stm_is_low          1 if a statement is an expression or jump statement.

stm_is_nonexec      1 if a statement is not executable (i.e. a declaration).

stm_is_select       1 if a statement is an if, if-else, or switch.

stm_kind            1 for an "if" statement,

                    2 for an "else" statement,

                    3 for a "while" statement,

                    4 for a "do" statement,

                    5 for a "for" statement,

                    6 for a "switch" statement,

                    7 for a "function" compound statement,

                    8 for a compound statement,

                    9 for an expression statement,

                   10 for a break statement,

                   11 for a continue statement,

                   12 for a return statement,

                   13 for a goto statement,

                   14 for a declaration statement,

                   15 for an empty statement.

stm_labels          Number of ordinary labels (not case or default labels)

                      attached to this statement.

stm_lines           Number of lines in the current statement,including blank

                      lines that precede the first token of the statement.

stm_locals          Number of local variables declared in a block.

stm_loop_back       1 if a goto statement jumps backward.

stm_members         Number of local union, struct, or class members declared.

stm_no_break        1 if the previous statement is a case with no jump.

stm_no_default      1 if a switch statement has no default case.

stm_no_init         1 if a variable is used before it has been initialized.

                      Note: this variable does not yet work on C++ code.

stm_operands        Total number of operands found in a statement.

stm_operators       Total number of C operators found in a statement.

stm_relation        Number of Boolean relational operators in a statement.

stm_return_paren    1 if return has a value NOT enclosed in parentheses.

stm_return_void     1 if return value conflicts with the function declaration.

stm_semicolon       1 if a suspicious semicolon is found (e.g. while(x); ).

stm_simple          Number of local simple variables declared in a block.

stm_switch_cases    Number of cases found in the current switch statement.

stm_tokens          Number of lexical tokens found in a statement.

stm_unused          Number of unused local variables in a block. Use function

                      stm_unused_name(k) for their names (0<=k<stm_unused).

stm_unused_name()   Returns name of the given unused variable in the block.

strcmp()            Standard ANSI C strcmp function.

strequiv()          1 if one string is the same (except for case) as another.

strlen()            Standard ANSI C strlen function.

str_option()        Returns string value of the specified command-line option.

strstr()            Standard ANSI C strstr function.

suffix()            Similar to the prefix function. See documentation.

tag_abstract        1 when this is a C++ class with a pure virtual function.

tag_anonymous       1 when an anonymous (unnamed) tag is defined.

tag_base_access     1 when a base class does not have an explicit access

                    specifier (public, protected, or private).

tag_bases           Number of C++ base classes for this tag.

tag_begin           1 when a tag definition begins.

tag_classes         Number of named classes nested within this class.

tag_components()    See documentation.

tag_constants       Number of enumerated constants defined in this class.

tag_constructors    Number of constructors declared in this class.

tag_distance        1 for a _near tag,       (Borland C++)

                    2 for a _far tag,        (Borland C++)

                    3 for a _huge tag,       (Borland C++)

                    4 for an _export tag.    (Borland C++)

tag_end             1 when a tag definition ends.

tag_fcn_friends     Number of friend functions declared in this class.

tag_friends         Number of friend classes declared in this class.

tag_functions       Number of member functions declared in this class.

tag_global          1 if this tag has file scope.

tag_has_assign      1 if this C++ class has an operator=().

tag_has_copy        1 if this C++ class has a copy constructor.

tag_has_default     1 if this C++ class has a default constructor.

tag_has_destr       1 if this C++ class has a destructor.

tag_hidden          1 when a local tag hides another tag.

tag_kind            1 for an enum,

                    2 for a union,

                    3 for a struct,

                    4 for a class.

tag_lines           Number of lines in the tag definition.

tag_local           1 if this tag has local scope (within a function).

tag_mem_access      1 if the first member of this class does not have an

                    access label (public, protected, or private).

tag_members         Number of data members defined in this class.

tag_name()          Returns the tag name for the current tag.

tag_nested          1 if this tag definition is nested within another tag.

tag_operators       Number of operator functions declared in this class.

tag_private         Number of identifiers declared with private access.

tag_protected       Number of identifiers declared with protected access.

tag_public          Number of identifiers declared with public access.

tag_static_fcn      Number of static member functions declared in this class.

tag_static_mem      Number of static data member declared in this class.

tag_template        Number of template parameters.

tag_tokens          Number of tokens in this tag definition.

tag_types           Number of typedef names defined in this class.

test_needed()       Triggers if any of the specified functions is called

                      without a validity test immediately following.

token()             Returns current lexical token as a string.

undefine()          Undefines the specified macro.

variance()          Variance of a statistical variable.

warn()              Generates a warning message.

warn_format()         Select Emacs warn-string format [ default "filename(line-number):message" ]



* This variable has type statistic int.



Glossary of terms used in the above descriptions:



abstract declarator

  -  A type without a declarator name, e.g. (char **).

aggregate type

  -  Array, union, struct, or class.

anonymous tag

  -  An enum, union, struct, or class defined without a name.

argument of a function

  -  A value actually passed to a function during a call (see parameter).

base type

  -  The simple type of an identifier before any qualification. For example,

     the declaration "const double *xyz[5]" has base type "double".


  -  A compound statement or function body.

compound statement

  -  A block of statements enclosed in curly braces.


  -  An identifier that is being declared.


  -  A declaration that allocates space for a variable or function, as

     opposed to a declaration that merely refers to a variable or function.


  -  A preprocessor instruction (all directives begin with #).


  -  A variable with file scope, whether or not it is static.

Halstead operator

  -  Any token that is not an identifier.

high precedence operator

  -  Any of these operators:

        &   (address of)

       ()   (function call)

       ->   (pointer dereference)

        ~   (bitwise logical complement)

       ++   (pre- or post-increment)

       --   (pre- or post-decrement)

        *   (indirection)

        !   (logical negation)

        .   (member selection)

       ->*  (C++ member dereference)

       .*   (C++ member selection)

        -   (unary arithmetic negative)

        +   (unary arithmetic positive)

       ::   (C++ scope)

       []   (subscript)


  -  A for-, while-, or do-while-statement.


  -  A goto-, continue-, break-, or return-statement.

levels of a type

  -  The modifiers that are attached to a type. There are three kinds of

     modifiers in C (four in C++): "array of...", "pointer to...", "function

     returning...", and (C++ only) "reference to...". For example, the type

     "int *char[]" has two levels because it is an array of pointers to int.

     Level 0 is "array of", level 1 is "pointer to", and the base is "int".

     In this example, dcl_base will be INT_TYPE, dcl_levels will be 2,

     dcl_level(0) will be ARRAY, and dcl_level(1) will be POINTER. Each level

     can be qualified with type qualifiers like const, volatile, etc. The

     qualifiers for each level can be obtained with dcl_level_flags().


  -  A variable with block scope, declared within a function.

low precedence operator

  -  Any of these operators:

       ?:   (conditional)

       =  +=  -=  *=  /=  &=  |=  %=  ^=  (assignments)

manifest constant

  -  A constant referred to with a symbol rather than a value.

medium precedence operator

  -  Any operator not listed above as low- or high-precedence.


  -  Depending on the system, a newline "character" may be a carriage return,

     a linefeed, a return followed by a linefeed, or a linefeed followed by

     a return. Like most compilers, CodeCheck accepts any of these.

parameter of a function

  -  The name of a value received by a function in a call (see argument).

oldstyle function

  -  An unprototyped function.

selection statement

  -  if-statement, if-else-statement, or switch-statement.

simple type

  -  a type that is NOT an array, pointer, reference, or function.

statistic type

  -  A special CodeCheck storage class. Statistical variables remember every

     value ever assigned to them.

tag name

  -  The "tag" of an enum, union, struct, or class is the identifier that

     immediately follows the keyword enum, union, struct, or class.


  -  One or more of these characters: space, tab, newline, vertical tab,

     form-feed, backspace. Comments within macro definitions are whitespace.